Meet Vincent

Hi, I’m Vincent Goldsmith.

I am a lifelong Marylander and I first moved to Anne Arundel County almost 30 years ago. I have deep roots in Anne Arundel and I want to give back to the county that is my home.

I’ve spent the better part of the last 20 years helping businesses around the country improve their systems and processes. I’ve worked with small local companies and Fortune 500 Internationals. Over the last 7 years I’ve worked as a Public Sector Consultant where I develop solutions for the government by bringing my private sector experiences to bear on the issues facing large government institutions.

Locally, I was on the Executive Board of the Anne Arundel County Literacy Council from 2003 to 2013, and I was their President for most of that time. The Anne Arundel County Literacy Council is a 40 year old organization that provides free one-on-one tutoring to adults who are unable to read at or above the 5th grade level.

My time with the Literacy Council, first as a tutor and then on the board, showed me that even in the 21st century and in Anne Arundel County, we still have students slipping through the cracks and exiting our school system without the basic tools to survive in the modern world.

I’ve also been a member of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s speaker bureau where I often spoke to organizations and college groups about the state of the Chesapeake Bay and the importance of locally driven environmental education.

I have four kids and enjoy reading a lot of non-fiction.