
All of my positions align with my vision of where I would like to see Anne Arundel County schools six years from now.

My background and experience makes me uniquely qualified to see this vision through.

Safe School Experiences and Improved Opportunities for ALL of our students

  • Adoption of final Kirwan Commission Recommendations
  • Expansion of high-quality early education programs (ECI and Pre-K)
  • Updating the bullying policy to call for quicker resolution of reported incidents with mandatory follow-ups throughout the school year as well as quarterly reporting of incidents
  • Increased sensitivity and education regarding religious, cultural, racial and gender differences
  • Mandatory once-a-year Implicit Bias training for all AACPS employees and contractors to include the School Board
  • Zero-tolerance policy for school staff and contractors found guilty of using racial epitaphs
  • Proper staffing and expansion of special needs programs to include IEPs and 504 plans
  • Long-term lease and expansion of educational programs for Goshen Farm Preservation Society
  • Advocate for new school construction and remodeling so all schools are secure according to current security recommendations

The best teacher corps and faculty in the country through recruitment, retention, and professional development

  • Higher teacher pay and professional development\
  • Tracking and public reporting of teacher recruitment and retention
  • More teacher time for collaborative planning and curriculum development
  • A better career ladder for teachers that allows for professional growth, rewards expertise and provides leadership opportunities
  • Additional guidance counselors, psychologists and social workers
  • Advocate for full public school funding at the county and state level


If you’re interested to learn how I would further support our teachers, please check out my response to TAAAC.

A school system responsive to the needs of everyday students, parents, and teachers

  • Responsive to community input regarding school start times and transportation
  • Changing the transportation policy to take traffic counts of local roads, safe crossings, and functional walkways into consideration
  • Advocating for local control of the school calendar
  • An end to cell tower agreements near school buildings
  • Increased public outreach and community involvement of school board members to increase transparency in board decisions
  • A new collaboration platform for school-parent-student-teacher interactions

Better financial and operational oversight of our public schools to put more money into the classrooms for smaller class sizes and better instructional tools

  • Holding the line on administration spending so more money is spent on instruction
  • Smaller class sizes
  • Ensure school budgets and actual expenditures across the school system reflect the goal of equal opportunities for all students
  • Increased fiscal and operational oversight of school budget